We spent Labor Day as a family hiking up to Devil's Head. It is the perfect hike for all ages and the views at the top are amazing.
Patiently waiting while her parents get all the hiking crap together.
Alec was filthy, covered head to toe in dirt before we even made it to the trail head.
He walked almost to the very top all by "SELF" as he says it.

We laughed that Alec was so concerned about keeping his hands clean and wiping them off.
Little did he know that every other square inch of him was covered in dirt.
He probably would've had a panic attack had he seen himself in a mirror.
Surprise, surprise, Ava was a perfect gem.
I love having her in the bijourn, bald head available for a smooch at any given moment.

Love this scrunchy, stinky, determined boys face as he romps around the forest.
Alec was beside himself that we made him ride in the backpack on the way down. Our patience was starting to wear thin as he slipped on his bum every other step, and we just wanted to make it down the mountain sometime that day. After a couple minutes of screaming his face off, he succumbed. Although he was in denial, I think that he actually like the view up there.
One of the many many reasons that we love Colorado.
Love that hike! Sounds like the perfect way to spend Labor day!