We flew out to Camarillo to spend Christmas with my mom, brother and his cute family.
Scott picked out these adorable headphones for the kids.

Alec was very concerned about reading the inflight directions.

My mom's lung collapsed the day before we arrived, so she was in the hospital when we first got there.
But was able to come home on Christmas Eve.
But was able to come home on Christmas Eve.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see my kids play with cousins, aunts and uncles.
My heart aches to live near family, its a good thing that we love where we live and adore all our friends to help make up for it!
We ding-dong-ditched "Christmas" to a family in my brother's ward.
The boys had to get all geared up to make the stealth delivery.
I either had the flu, food poisoning, or just pregnancy sickness on Christmas, so I don't have any pictures. But it happened.
The next day we headed to the Santa Barbara Zoo.

These kids can't get enough of their Dad!

For my birthday, ALL I wanted was to ride these 8 person bikes along the beach.
Wish granted.
We may or may not have been a little reckless.

Aftwards, ALL I wanted for my birthday was for Scott to buy me one of these bad boys. Seriously, how fun would it be to ride these around the Highlands Ranch paths as a family on a Sunday afternoon? We looked online and once I got over the sticker-shock, I resigned my dreams and accepted the fact that this is a "rich-man's" sport.

My little beach babe.
Speaking of beach babes. Look at those cute bunz.

I can't help it. Just one more.

A stroll down Ventura pier.
We are so glad that we finally decided to travel over Christmas.
We had a perfect Christmas spent with family.

I shouldn't have looked at these pictures. I'm HOMESICK! I love you all!