

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Potty Training Woes

Before you judge, you need to understand that we have tried just about anything and everything that anyone has suggested to us, and we still cannot get 3 1/2 year old Alec to go potty on the toilet!

And then a miracle happened...

AVA strolled right up to the potty and took a dump! Seriously?! My eighteen month old?

This gave Scott and I one more idea to get Alec motivated to go potty on the toilet.  That night we arranged a little friendly competition.  Whoever went potty on the toilet first would get a huge bag of skittles (Alec's favorite)

We had to practically force him up there and he lasted 30 seconds before he jumped off.
Ava bounced right up there and within minutes the "Princess" laid stake on her "Throne!"
Do you think she is rubbing it in a little?  
I'm afraid that she will not let him live this down their entire lives!  

I was starting to think that I was pathetic and a bad parent for not being able to get my 3 1/2 year old to go potty on the toilet.  Then Ava strolled in and showed me that kids come how they come, and we need to adapt our parenting to each individual child.  

The silver lining?  Here's to hoping that we can kill two birds with one stone and potty train them together.  Wouldn't be bad, going from two kids in diapers to no kids in diapers.

I love my little "Stinkers"!  (pun intended)


  1. We are in the midst of potty training right now. We're having a lot of luck with our 2.3 year old, but the book I was reading was saying that sometimes it is harder when they get a bit older because they can be more willful/defiant etc. I haven't had any time to do much training, so my little guy has pretty much done it all himself. I really can't take any credit. I bet you're little guy already has it figured out, he just wants to torment you!
