

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Almost everyday Alec and I flip through this beautifully illustrated book by Greg Olsen.

I am always pointing to the pictures of Christ while saying, "Jesus". Well, the other day Alec pointed to the cover and said, "Jesus". I was so proud I couldn't help myself, my eyes welded up with tears as I leaned down to give this sweet, tender-hearted little soul a smooch.
As I did, WHACK!!! Alec's hand flew through the air as he smacked me right across the face. Are you kidding me?
I wanted to firmly scold him for spoiling such a precious moment. But instead, I took this golden opportunity to teach him one of Christ's famous parables, I let it go as I turned the other cheek.


  1. Haha! I got quite a kick out of this. Way to go both of you :) :)

  2. That takes me back in time when I used to do similar things with my kids...picture scripture stories. Love it! What a good Mom! Lucky Alec!
